really sustainable food services

We're perfecting how your food is made.
A profitable process that protects jobs, pays people what they're worth, and intensely focuses on the customer.

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What do we do?

We search for and buy independent, owner-operated restaurants as well as medium to large commercial USDA kitchens, warehouses, and food production facilities to support those restaurants. We utilize proprietary software and operational techniques to outperform other food operations.

Sculry owns the entire process from raw ingredient to the plate...including delivery. We do this to continually enforce our stringent operational & quality standards to benefit ultimate consumer satisfaction.

How we do it:

  1. We buy food companies directly
  2. Replace managers & owners with software
  3. Staff runs everything & get profit share + benefits
  4. Customers always deal with passionate people in charge!

What does Sculry mean?

It's a shortened version of scullery:

scullery - a small room off of a kitchen where preparations are made

Sculry operates efficient systems outside the kitchen to strengthen effectiveness within the kitchen. We leverage impressive food leadership methods using software and put good people to work. Then we take care of those people. This is how we maximize long-term customer value for the people who order & eat our foods.

Why is our mission important?

The wild way we feed people

Most "innovators" in the food market are making the wrong things more efficient. Many moves are more about cutting costs than creating value. Sculry creates value...which people will happily pay for time and time again. Read our mini-manifesto:

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Paying front-line people better

We're right about paying people who make and handle our food more. We think it shouldn't be managers like Taco Bell is doing. $100k!?!? Are they serious?

The front line workers in restaurants should be the people getting paid more, offered good benefits, and earn a share of the profits.

View Bloomberg Article
Robots are not working out so well

Pizza and coffee robot startups are having a hard time making ends meet. There's a good reason for that.

People don't want to buy food from a robot. Eating food is a deeply personal experience and it shouldn't be treated like a useless transaction.

View Axios Article
All employees deserve retirement accounts

About half of the American workforce don't have access to a retirement plan. It's the easiest way workers can build wealth.

Some people think that laws being introduced to help aren't going to be effective. Employers should be providing 401k's to their staff...even for part time workers. Sculry does. We also give them access to tools and classes to help them understand investing. Workers don't invest much in their 401k when they're not sure how the system works.

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